Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Big Day Out

Today we experienced our local zoo with Maddy's preschool class. It was definitely an experience. First we all gathered in a classroom to see 4 animals up close and personal. This is Maddy petting the turtle and the "milk" snake. Yuck! Needless to say Mom didn't touch them.

Even though it was a bit chilly out, I enjoyed the chance to be with Maddy by herself. She got a little moody around lunch time (don't mess with her when she's hungry) but all in all it was a great day. I just wish that our prestigious zoo (ha!) could have had a few more animals out.

This is Maddy and her friend Ellie. We car pool with Ellie to school.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Warm Weather

Why is it when the weather gets warmer the kids get stranger? My kids insist on heading outside at 9am and then they continue to run in and out of the house until I completely loose my mind and lock them inside. Am I cruel? And of course Mallory needs to do everything the bigger kids do so I have to be outside constantly. Don't they understand there is laundry to be done and supper to be made. Not to mention phone calls to friends so I can complain about how chaotic my house is. I should really post a before and after picture of my living room. I know that I'm just being selfish but isn't that what this blogging is for somtimes?

Friday, April 20, 2007

How does this all work?!

Okay, I've tried and tried to post a montage to this page and cannot figure it out. So I am going to include a link instead. Hopefully you all check it out. It's a peek into our life in 2006. Enjoy!

View this montage created at One True Media
The year of 2006

Another Try

Okay, so I'm trying this posting thing again. I thought I'd show some pictures of the gang at Easter time.

Also, this is what our street looks like when we all venture out. Move over cars, the Huttenga's are coming through!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

First Try

Since I have viewed some blogs before I think I have some idea of how this all works. I wanted to set this up so out of town friends and relatives can get a glimpse into our crazy, chaos filled lives. Hope you all enjoy and I'll try to keep things updated.