Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Thought This Day Would Never Come

Well, here it is. The day that I thought would never happen in my life. Six and a half years ago it never entered my mind that I wouldn't be celebrating this momentous event until now. People always told me that I'd get to this point in my life someday but it always seemed so far away. And now I am living proof that it does happen. There is an end in sight. There is a day when you will no longer have a crib in your house. Yes, that's right we are officially crib free. Our youngest has "graduated" and moved into a "big girl" bed. I must admit that I shed no tears the night Jason took apart this piece of history. I thought it would be tough, emotional, and sad to watch. But I was impatiently waiting for him to get the crib out of the room so the new bed could make it's debut. Maybe it hasn't hit me yet. Maybe I wasn't as attached to it as I thought I was. Whatever the case may be, after setting our crib up over 6 years it has never come apart. Even when we moved it stayed intact and readily available to whatever child needed it. Now it is disassembled and resting in our storage room. But Mallory is happily enjoying her new bed and that's what matters most.


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed at your ability to avoid tears! I was quite teary when we took Braden's down, and our crib even had a 2 year sabbatical before he used it. Of course the same night we took down the crib, Nick informed me that he didn't need to be tucked in anymore. Ouch! ;-)