Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I'm Celebrating!

Celebrating what you may ask? Maddy is finally back in school after being home for almost ten days. Last week she had two snow days and this past Monday I kept her home because she was sick. So Hallelujah!! she's back in school today. Not willingly I will admit but she's there.

I should really start counting how many times my kids ask when winter is going to be over. And again today the snow - and rain!- is coming down. How do you explain to two three year olds and a two year old that the snow is not done yet? Will it ever be done? I hope so. I know I am sick of being cooped up in my house with my kids. Granted we are healthy and all but I can only take so much! We've baked, we've watched movies, we've played games. What more is there to do?! I've even tried potty training!


Anonymous said...

hey stacey,

i got the link to your blog through stacey pylman's and thought i'd check it out. did you try my mom's christmas cookies in your baking yet? how'd they turn out? anyway- your kids look quite cute and it seems as though you certainly have your hands full! never a dull moment right?

amanda meyers

Stacy said...

Yes, the cookies were quite an experiment. Lots of hands to help but they turned out great!