Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

To every mother out there, Happy Mother's Day. As many know the task of being a mother is incredibly tasking. The moments can be joyous, emotional, nerve-racking, and totally rewarding. I consider myself a mother who is rewarded. Even though some days are not as "rewarding" as others there are moments of pure joy. As follows:

* Obviously giving birth to each of my children. The memories are ingrained in my head so vividly even now.
* The laughter I can get my children to display when we are cooking, riding around, or just playing.
* The feel of my children in my arms. My kids were not cuddler's from the beginning but have grown to be over the years.
* The struggles over discipline, eating, and bed time that make my marriage to Jason stronger.
* And finally, just simply being able to be called a "mother".


Triplet Mom said...

I second that! Especially the part of just being able to be someone's mother.