Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Madelynn!

Happy Birthday Madelynn! Man, where does the time go? My firstborn is 6 today! I can clearly remember the morning she was born. I woke up when Jason left for work and realized I was having contractions. I let him drive all the way to Kalamazoo before calling him and telling him to come back home. We went to the hospital, I got some good drugs, watched the Price Is Right for a while and then pushed out this beautiful baby girl. My first child. I remember crying while I held onto her. I was so happy when we brought her home too. She was a perfect baby. She slept through the night at 3 1/2 weeks, hardly fussed, and was so enjoyable. As she's grown up she has remained that way. She's very calm and willing to help out any way she can. She's beautiful, caring, compassionate, etc. And the very best part is, she's mine. I love her to death and every day I look at her I love her a little more for the young girl she is turning out to be. Thanks be to God for giving me this child!