Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sickness Is Upon Us!

WARNING: This post may contain some vulgar descriptions.

The sickness has descended upon our household. It infects mostly the children but we adults are in the beginning stages. The following is a description of symptoms. The whines lead way into a fit of coughing so hard vomit spews forth. Then paranoia sets in for fear of puking again. Boogers are a permanent fixture on their cheeks since they are unaware of the invention of the kleenex. Carpet cleaner is on patrol to ward off the stains left behind by phlegm when a sneeze sneaks up on them. I believe the CDC will be making a visit sometime next week.

What's that famous phrase everyone says to me? Oh right, "This too shall pass".

WARNING: The following pictures are intended for adult viewing only.

No vomit was spewed forth in this picture.

Rough shape wouldn't you say?


Brenda Baartman said...

Hi Stacy,
I haven't left any message before on your blog! So sorry to hear it has arrived at your house. It is not fun. Hope it dones't last too long. The boy's asked last night how many weeks til we go to Davenport?? It is going to be a long 2 months!! It is sure fun to go to your blog and see the kids grow!!
