Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring Break or Bust?

It was a bust. We tried to take the kids to Silver Lake yesterday to stay for a few days but it fell through. We were planning on opening up the cottage for Jason's mom but couldn't get any water. So with no water and no heat we loaded the kids up again and drove home to much whining and crying. The beginning of our day should have been a premonition. Logyn woke up with croup and when we brought him into the doctor's office they sent us on to the hospital because they didn't feel comfortable sending him home. He had 104 degree fever and was coughing really bad. So we hung out in the ER for 3 hours before they sent us on our way. Next time I'll take heed of any forwarning that is looking me right in the face. I guess we weren't meant to travel on Spring Break like 75 % of the nation. Enjoy yours!


Anonymous said...

Oh my water again?? We should've guessed. GRR!

Triplet Mom said...

Hey, sorry about spring break.
I love the music playlist you have. Weird, I own almost all those songs too. Similar taste?
