Friday, February 15, 2008

Meet Mallory

Last but certainly not least, we have Mallory. By far she is our most obstinate, funny, dramatic, stubborn child yet. I don't think her interview reveals the real her quite enough but it gives you an idea. Just for a visual, when I was interviewing her she was standing with one hand on her hip, sort of tipped to the side.

1. What is your favorite color? um...6 (okay so she doesn't quite understand this question. She's only 2 after all).

2. What is your favorite toy? one (an answer that could be all sorts of toys).

3. What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy? um...Doodlebops (she listens to the Doodlebops while I am on the computer. It keeps her occupied while I blog).

4. What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? um...ride bikes (okay so she does understand this interview thing! Jason pulls her in the burly behind his bike all the time in the summer).

5. What do you want to be when you grow up? um...6 (yes, eventually she should be able to accomplish that).

6. Who do you want to marry? (at least she didn't name one of her siblings like the other kids).

7. How many kids do you want to have? um...6A (okay...maybe that will be some sort of popular name in the year 2025 when she's allowed to pro-create).

8. Where do you want to live? neighby's house (she is obsessed with our new neighbors who aren't really new neighbors anymore because they've lived there a year now).

9. What is your favorite thing to do at school? um...color and write my name (wow! She's ambitious).

10. What is your favorite food? ceral (she means cereal).

11. What is your favorite thing to play? (yeah...she's definitely 2).

At this point in our little interview process she decided she was done. After three adamant rounds of "Stop it Mommy!" I gave up. I'll add a picture of her escapades this week. I found her hidden under my desk a couple of days ago looking like she does in the picture below. She had gotten into my make-up and smeared my lipstick ALL over. She has a fascination with "yipdick" right now.


Anonymous said...

Ohh, I thought that was petch-petch!! (also known as ketchup) :)